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Meet The PI System™

the world’s most widely used data management industrial platform
for storage and visualization of real time data, trusted by Engineers and CIOs alike
OSIsoft’s PI System™ is the system of record for operational data. For over 40 years, this software has enabled industry to collect, standardize, contextualize, and federate large volumes of industrial, operational data. As a system of record, PI System™ provides the foundational data that enables better decisions, improves business processes, and fuels digital transformation.

The PI System™ collects, analyzes, visualizes and shares large amounts of high-fidelity, time-series data from multiple sources to people and systems across all operations. By accessing key data and insights, the PI System™ has helped leading companies deliver greater operational improvements and breakthroughs that lead to business transformation.

This image for Image Layouts addon

OSIsoft works with...

  • over 1,000 of the world’s leading power and utilities companies,
  • 38 of the Global Fortune Top 40 oil and gas companies,
  • all of the Global Fortune Top 10 metals and mining companies,
  • 37 out of 50 of the world's largest chemical and petrochemical companies and
  • 9 out of 10 of the Global Fortune Top 10 pharmaceutical companies.


  • The PI System™ can spot problems with a pump before it breaks, or help engineers fine-tune production variables on a production line to increase output and revenue. With the PI System™, your data is accessible, usable and valuable to everyone in your business.
  • You can also stream PI System™ data into third party analytics to conduct enterprise-wide optimizations or share PI System™ data with service providers and regulators to streamline supply chains or compliance. A growing number of companies are also embedding PI System™ technology as a data engine inside smart products and services.
  • Think of the PI System™ as an infrastructure for data. It serves up a valuable resource—intelligence—to any person in your organization quickly and reliably.

Elements of the PI System™

The PI System™ consists of a number of technologies but you can look at this way:

PI Server:

500+ interfaces mean pervasive compatibility. This captures, compresses and organizes sensor and other device data. View data in sequence or compare multiple devices in working context.

PI System™ Tools:

For visualizing and enhancing PI System™ data. Products include PI Vision (for mobile visualization) and DataLink (Excel Add-in).

PI System™ Connectors and Integrators:

Connectors, integrators and cloud services allow data to flow in and out of the PI system™ to devices, other applications and/or cloud-based services.

OSIsoft is now part of AVEVA

Together, OSIsoft and AVEVA are unlocking Performance Intelligence for industrial organizations.
Visit AVEVA website to find out more.


Team & Projects

INTEC S.A. is OSIsoft’s partner (Value Adder Reseller + System Integrator) for over 20 years. We are among the very few companies around the globe, which have gained the Premier Partner status from OSIsoft. A Digitalization and OT Software & Services provider, with Industrial Cybersecurity & Automation expertise, working towards IT/OT Convergence! We combine our industrial domain knowledge, with our IT expertise to help clients maximize the return on their operational data and IT system investments. Especially with regards to OSIsoft’s PI System™ our dedicated team is comprised of highly experienced professionals; holding all available Accreditations (PI System™ Infrastructure - PI System™ Installation – PI System™ Application Development).
Indicative services that we are providing; apart from Installation and Configuration of New PI System™ projects; include the following:

  • Developing of custom applications;
  • Backfilling from 3rd party Historians;
  • Upgrading existing PI System™ to latest releases and moving to VM & Cloud Environments;
  • Development of complex AF and event frame calculations;
  • Analytics;
  • Interfacing with ERP Systems (SAP, Maximo, Navision etc.);
  • Designing and Implementing High Availability solutions;
  • PI Cyber Security audits;
  • Support services as well as
  • Customized training tailored to the needs of our customers.
We have implemented and supported several Projects in Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Romania, Switzerland, Italy, Namibia, Chad, Saudi Arabia.
INTEC supports and enhances the digital transformation journey of Industrial Companies across a variety of industries; by enabling them to turn large amounts of data into information, information into knowledge, knowledge into action, and ultimately action into profits.
Normally, everything starts with getting the right data to the right people at the right time - through the PI System™.